This Prayer Agenda has been established for (GNP Global Network Prayer System) throughout the world. We are all in agreement to pray and tear down strongholds so that we can usher in the End-Time Harvest with the help of the Holy Spirit. It is a standard agenda to be prayed in the Spirit so that we are on one accord throughout the whole world, praying the same thing and in agreement.
Intercessory Prayer Agenda
Intercessory Prayer Agenda
Father, we thank you for Jesus and His shed blood. We thank you that Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us. We thank you for the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, we yield ourselves to You for guidance. Thank you for teaching us. Thank You for showing us what to pray for and thank You for directing us.
1. In obedience to Your Word, we intercede for all men, women, boys and girls throughout the earth, according to I Timothy 2:1. Thank You for sending laborers to share Jesus with them. We bind the powers of darkness over the minds of any who have an opportunity to hear the Word of God this day. In the Name of Jesus.
We intercede specifically for the millions of spiritually and materially impoverished people who live in the 65 countries of the 10/40 window, which extends from West Africa to East Asia, and encompasses the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.We thank You that the strongholds and deception of false religions in the 10/40 window areas are being revealed and destroyed; that all people who are enslaved are being set free; that daily provision of all their spiritual and physical needs are being met, and that Christian medical teams become available to them; and that corrupt government officials are being exposed and removed (and will not regain power), according to II Corinthians 4:4 and Philippians 4:19. in Jesus Name.
We thank You that the strongholds and deception of false religions in the 10/40 window areas are being revealed and destroyed; that all people who are enslaved are being set free; that daily provision of all their spiritual and physical needs are being met, and that Christian medical teams become available to them; and that corrupt government officials are being exposed and removed (and will not regain power), according to
IICorinthians 4:
We intercede for all Christians all over the world who are being persecuted for the name of Jesus. We thank you that they remain bold and strong in their faith, according to John 15:20 and 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, in the name of Jesus.
We pray for the saints incarcerated for their faith. I thank you that no manner of harm shall be found upon them because they believe in their God. Today is their Jubilee, and I command Satan to release them now in Jesus’ name! Father, I pray that you would strengthen them to pray and sing praises like Paul and Silas; and the prisons shall be shaken and all of God’s people would be set free. Angels rescue them, and bring them to a safe place in Jesus’ name.
2. Father God, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for it is written “they shall prosper that love thee.” Our heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved, through the knowledge of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
3. Father God, we pray for the United States of America. We thank you that this nation is blessed because our God is the Lord, and we are the people you have chosen for your inheritance. Thank you that the righteous are in authority and the people rejoice. We thank you that revival is sweeping through this nation, and men are turning away from the sin and pleasures of this world unto you. We loose a revival of truth, holiness, righteousness,godliness and the fear of the Lord.
4. I cover this Nation with the blood of Jesus and bind every spirit of darkness that has been sent to destroy us. I cancel every wicked work to control and deceive the minds of the people, and to cause us to stray from the godly foundational truths this nation is founded upon. We call for a crop failure of all bad seed sown into this nation, and we call for a bumper crop of all good seed sown into this nation. We release the truth into every realm of life in this nation, that men may surely say, “this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
5. I pray for the president, his advisers, cabinet, staff, and family; the vice president, all judges, senators, congressmen, governors and mayors and their cabinets, all elected and appointed officials national, state, county, and local; the joint chiefs of staff; and all military leadership, all law enforcement personnel, and all leadership, public and private, in this nation. I pray that all who rule over men shall be just, ruling in the fear of God. That they would live and speak the truth; that Your wisdom will lead them to make sound decisions that promote life, liberty, safety, decency, godly, and God-fearing communities in Jesus Name.
Children and Youth:
Father God, I pray for our children, youth, and grandchildren, that you will raise up Godly men and women to intercede and travail in birth until Christ is formed in this generation. Father, pour out your Spirit upon our young people and ignite in them a fire and passion for you that will spread like a forest fire, until every unclean influence is eradicated and destroyed. Keep them pure and holy; and shield them from worldly and sinful influences in Jesus name.
Warfare Declarations:
6. Father God, I cover our church, its members and their families; and the entire body of Christ, their families, homes, businesses and their possessions with the blood of Jesus. Satan, in the name of Jesus I bind you and every principality, power, ruler of darkness, Spiritual host of wickedness in heavenly places, every evil spirit, demon spirit, and every spirit that is not of God that has been and is now operating against us according to (Mathew 18:18), in the name of Jesus.
I cancel every hex, vex, spell, jinx, work of witchcraft, divination, black magic, psychic mind control, new age, sorcery, and bewitchment sent to oppose us; I cancel every attack of oppression, depression, perversion, distraction, hindrance, deception, and addiction. In Jesus name. I render every assignment, attack, scheme, and harassment of yours null, void, powerless, inactive, inoperative and ineffective against us in the name of Jesus. (Isaiah 54:17)
I cast you out of our lives, homes, circumstances, finances and neighborhoods. Your works have been destroyed and we are free. Devil, we command you to restore everything that you have stolen from us 7 fold according to Proverbs 6:30-31. In the name of Jesus. I speak life to every area of our lives that you have tried to destroy. I cancel all hurt, harm, danger and accidents in our lives in the name of Jesus. I cancel all attacks against our families to bring strife, division, hatred, and rebellion., for God has given us peaceful habitations, safe dwellings and quiet resting places, and we dwell together in unity. (Isaiah 32:17-18).
I cancel every attack of sickness, disease, pain, and infirmity sent against us, for Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and by his stripes we are healed according to (Isaiah 53:5). I cancel every attack against the finances of God’s Church for we are the seed of Abraham and are blessed above all nations of the earth. I call all the wealth of the wicked into the hands of the righteous, for money cometh to us now. In the name of Jesus!
I bind, rebuke and cast out the spirits of fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, back biting, unbelief, and give them no place in our lives. I pull down all strongholds, cast down every vain and wicked imagination exalting itself against the knowledge of God, and bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. I root up, every plant in us that the Heavenly Father has not planted in us, and replace it with the image of God. I decree that the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, establishes our thoughts in the Word of God.
I LOOSE INTO OUR LIVES THE ANOINTING OF God to destroy every yoke and remove every burden. The Word of God in our minds, our mouths and our hearts that will dominate the earth through us. We yield to the fruit of the Spirit and mortify the deeds of the flesh. I pray that the Gifts of the Spirit will flow freely through our church to set the captives free and to edify the church. I decree that God’s people are now enjoying the days of heaven on the earth, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Father, I decree that Jesus is Lord over our city and surrounding suburbs. Every strategy that the enemy has arraigned toward this city is hindered and defeated. Every stronghold of the enemy has fallen, and is no more. The deception that he has bound this city in is no more. It has fallen.
Angels now go forth throughout this city at the sound of our words and they see to it that it is established and performed. God’s Word saturates this entire city and surrounding suburbs. The Gospel is preached on every corner. We praise you Father, for your Word will not return void, but it shall accomplish everything it is sent out to perform!
Father I thank you that you have delivered us, the city and all surrounding suburbs out of the hand of the devil, and you are defending these cities for your own name’s sake. You said “seek the peace of the city; pray unto the Lord for it – in the peace thereof shall ye have peace”. So we pray for peace, for the Prince of Peace is Lord over our city and surrounding suburbs, towns and villages. The children of God in our city and surrounding suburbs are fruitful and have increased abundantly; and have multiplied and waxed exceedingly mighty; and the land of this city and its suburbs is filled with them in Jesus name.
7. Pastor and Family: Father God, we thank you that our is filled with the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. He is fulfilling your perfect purpose and plan for his life. He hears the voice of the Good Shepherd and the voice of a stranger he’ll not follow. We pray that the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge, counsel, might and understanding will guide him in every meeting, activity and conversation he engages in. We thank you that he gives himself continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word. We thank you that he studies diligently the Word of God to feed your flock, and that his speech and his preaching are in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. He is skilled in he Word of Righteousness and speaks as the oracles of God. He fully preaches the gospel of Christ, rightly dividing the Word of truth, and signs and wonders confirm the Word preached. He is a man of prayer, and a Godly example for those you have given him oversight of.
We thank you that he is protected from all hurt, harm, danger or accident. Our pastor is the redeemed of the Lord and is in covenant with Jehovah God, therefore sickness and disease, poverty and lack, and fear and oppression have no power over him. He walks in divine health and is physically fit. His soul prospers, because he meditates in Gods word day and night. He enjoys his free time without interruption and is refreshed and rested for every day’s work. His youth is renewed like the eagles, and no weapon that is formed against him shall prosper; and every lying tongue raised against him shall be silenced. Every business deal works to his favor and advantage, and your blessings overtake him, because pastor hearkens diligently unto the voice of the Lord his God.
We cancel every attack of the wicked one to bring deception, distractions, hindrances and temptations into his life. Devil you bound and have no authority over our pastor, his family or his possessions. We cover our pastor with the blood of Jesus, and release the angels to minister for him and bring him into God’s best every day of his life
Father, we thank you that you have opened doors of utterance for Pastor to proclaim boldly the gospel with signs following. He is teaching believers how to live independently of the world system and have dominion over it. He has clarity of vision, unimpeded by ungodly sources or input. He is always in the right place at the right time with the right information, and the right understanding. All things of darkness are revealed to him and are made manifest by the light. The anointing of increase is upon his life and whatsoever he does prospers.
We thank you that his family is of one heart and one accord, and are enjoying the days of heaven upon the earth. His seed is mighty upon the earth and blessed, and wealth and riches are in his house. He fellowships with leaders of like precious faith and has set a standard of excellence for the body of Christ.
8. Sunday Church Confession:
We the Body of Believers live in perfect harmony and Full Agreement with the Word of God, and there are no division among us. Every service is full of God’s love, His praise, His revelation, and His power. Twenty thousand believers have been added to our church both men and women, and each member is fully committed to the work of the Lord. All those people who come to our church and those who are coming with sickness, or who are troubled with foul spirits, are all healed and delivered. There is not one feeble one among us. All members of our congregation are Tither’s and we are living under an open heaven.
We are bold in our witness and are reigning as kings in the earth. We are doers of the Word of God and are experiencing only success and victory in every area of life. This church is financially prospering, and having more than enough to meet the need of every situation.
We thank you Father, for our new facilities, for your blessings upon this church, and for using us to establish your Word throughout the earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
9. Prayers for Worship Services:
Father, we thank you that our Worship Services are filled with your anointed, praise and worship; and of God’s power packed preaching and teaching of the Word of God, transformation of lives by the renewing of our minds, cheerful, bountiful sowing and reaping; the saving of multitudes of souls; the pouring out of your Spirit upon all flesh, the perfecting and edifying of the saints for the work of the ministry; the effective fervent prayer ,and excellent Ministry of Helps, and the manifestation of the Gifts of the Spirit in signs, wonders and miracles to confirm the Word.
We thank you that every Helps Ministry Worker is fully committed, anointed, energized, and prepared to serve with the Spirit of Excellence. All services start on time. The people come with one mind and a heart to receive from God. Thank you for setting every member of our church in his or her appointed place in the body of Christ as it pleases you. Each one having gifts, differing according to the grace that is given to us, and all are fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
10. Prayers for Leadership, Employees, Volunteers & Board Members of church:
Father God, we thank you for the leadership, employees, volunteers, and board members that you have given us for the work of the ministry. We thank you that we have the right people serving in the right places with the right anointing. That they have received the Spirit of wisdom and revelation of God, in the knowledge of their particular area of ministry. That they walk in the Spirit, and are filled with the Spirit, and are led of the Spirit, and do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Out of their mouths proceed blessing and not cursing. That they walk by Faith, and not by sight.
The wisdom that is from above leads them in the way of righteousness to make right decisions and to exercise sound judgments and discretion in all matters. They are prospering and are in good health, because their souls are prospering. They meditate in God’s Word day and night, and everything they set their hands to prospers, and they serve in the area of their giftedness.
They are committed to the vision you have given the pastor, and they run with it to see to it that this vision comes to pass. There are no hidden agendas. They will never do or say anything that will be of harm to this ministry; or will bring reproach against Christ. Their personal lives are blameless, without spot, wrinkle or blemish, and are above reproach.
They are diligent and are not slothful, rendering service as unto the Lord, and not unto men. They are of one mind and one accord. All strife and attacks of the enemy are cut off and will not infiltrate this local church. We thank you Father that you live to perform your Word and are watching over it, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Father God, I pray for the saints in the body of Christ, that you would give to them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in knowledge of you, the eyes of their understanding being enlightened; that they would be filled with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; and that you would strengthen them with might by your Spirit in the inner man. We bind the spirit of disinterestedness. In the name of Jesus.
I pray that they would be pleasing to you, being fruitful in every good work, and ever increasing in the knowledge of God. I pray that they shall all continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and shall not be moved away from the hope of the gospel
We thank you that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are perfecting the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. We thank you that we speak the truth in love, and grow up into Christ, our head; that the whole body of Christ is fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint supplies; that every part is effectually working together, causing the body to increase, as everyone is edified in love.
Father, I pray that every believer will grow to be a strong, mature, fruit-bearing disciple of Christ, sanctified from the world, empowered to serve, fulfilling your purpose and plan for their lives.
We thank you that we are a city set on a hill that cannot be hid. We let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify you, our Father, in heaven. Amen.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we believe your Word is established in heaven. Therefore we establish your Word here in the earth. You have given us the vision and made it plain, Therefore, we rise up and build to the completion of the Vision. In Jesus’ name, we believe that we have every necessary resource provided for our new worship center. As we purpose in our hearts, we sow bountifully and cheerfully, therefore God is making all grace bound toward us; and we always, having all sufficiency in all things, do abound to every good work.
We see that we are in the dispensation of time where the plowman shall overtake the reaper. It is harvest time in this church and we call in our increase now! Satan, in the name of Jesus, your every activity, scheme, and assignment against the work of God has given us to do is bound. Father, thank you that angels are on assignment and have brought us all the wisdom, resources, and finances needed. We declare that we have acquired our new Worship Center debt free.We owe no man anything but love.
Every member of our congregation is a committed tither, living under an open heaven. Therefore, in the name of Jesus, we confess every household is debt free, and flowing in the millionaire status. Each month our church is receiving a one million dollar overflow after all financial obligations are met. We praise you Father, for divine favor and give you all the thanks for the corresponding return in our lives, and in the life of our church, in the name of Jesus, Amen!
Give Praise and Thanks for the Victory - 5 MINUTES
Supplemental - Prayer Agenda
(1) We Intercede for the American and allied forces in the Gulf Region and throughout the whole world. We pray that you would strengthen them mentally, physically, and give them wisdom for battle. We pray that they will be protected from all harm and return home safely to their families as quickly as possible in Jesus Name
(2) We bind all suicide or car bombings, insurgent attacks, sniper attacks and IDES from trying to hinder the new governments of Iraq and Afghanistan and harm their people. For guards to be place on the boards of Iraqi, Afghanistan and the USA to keep weapons from being smuggled it. In Jesus Name.
(3) We pray a hedge of protection around all our troops and supply lines according to Psalms 91 and Hosea 2:6-7 in the name of Jesus. We pray that not one serviceman will perish from lack due to shortage of any type of supplies in the name of Jesus. That our soldiers have all abundance to do their job efficiently and expediently in Jesus Name.
(4) We pray that all secret stashes of munitions and weapons of mass destruction are revealed and destroyed in Jesus Name.
(5) We Bind all terrorist in this country from using scud missiles, dirty bombs, or EMP attacks at our population, and that all of their plans to be exposed and destroyed in the name of Jesus. We thank you Father that every scheme, plot or attempt to do harm to this country be exposed and stopped dead from accomplishing their evil deeds, in the name of Jesus.
(6) We bind and cancel all acts of terrorism in Israel and the rest of the world in Jesus Name.
(8) We bind all accidents on land, sea and in the air from our troops in Jesus Name,
(9) We pray that all secret tunnels to the underground bunkers that conceal and protect Asama Ben Laden are revealed and destroyed; and to bring him to justice in the name of Jesus.
(10) We bind all outside attempts from other countries to assist Asama Ben Laden and his followers in Jesus Name.
(11) We bind all illegal entries into this country, and pray for tighter security on all our borders in Jesus name. Immigration laws reformed, enforced and upheld by all citizens.
1. In the name of Jesus, I declare that the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces dwell in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91).
2. The Lord is their Refuge and Fortress. He delivers them from the enemy; therefore, they do not fear the terror in the night or the destruction that takes place at noonday Thousands may fall around them, but destruction does not come near them .
3. When they call on the Lord, He immediately answers them. He is with them in trouble; He delivers them and satisfies them with long life.
4. Because the Lord has given His angels charge over them, their spouses and their children, I declare that their lives are redeemed from destruction. No evil comes near them, and neither does any plague come near their homes.
5. I declare that every service member and his or her family walk in favor. They lack no good or beneficial thing, because God supplies all of their needs.
6. They are whole; there is nothing missing, broken or lacking in their lives. No weapon formed against them shall prosper.
According to Proverbs 18:21, my words have creative ability, and in the name of Jesus, I have what I say. I release most holy faith to bring these things to pass in Jesus Name.
Father in the Name of Jesus we pray against this filth that is permeating our airwaves. We bind that spirit of Lust and cursing spirit from penetrating our airwaves and other communication systems such as TV’s, movies, and the Internet, that would try to destroy our moral principles in the family. We bind this attempt of Satan according to Matthew 18:18-19 and Luke 10:19 in the Name of Jesus.
We pray that people of faith receive truthful and fair coverage in the media whether radio, TV, movies or the Internet.
We pray against the “American Civil Liberties Union” whose agenda is to destroy this country’s foundational principles regarding religious freedoms and changing of the constitution to remove from public buildings, anything that resembles or mentions God, The Creator, Supreme Judge and Divine Providence; and the removal of 'In God We Trust” from all currency and public documents; and the removal of “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance”; and the removal of all crosses from military cemeteries. All strongholds of political correctness are pulled down and all Federal or State funding of the ACLU is cut off. In Jesus name.
Father God, I pray for all the nations in bondage to the power of darkness, witchcraft, idolatry, and false religion, famine and drought, disease, war, poverty, slavery, terrorism, oppression, and nations filled with refugees. I thank you that those who sit in darkness shall see a great light; they shall come to that light, receive forgiveness of sins and their inheritance among the saints in light. You shall make streams in the desert and turn the dry places into a Garden of Eden. You shall restore the years of devastation suffered under the curse, and the nations shall marvel, that through the knowledge of and obedience to their covenant with God, the last shall be first and the first shall be last, and through prosperity your cities shall be established abroad, and your house shall be built. You said, “I will give unto thee and unto thy seed all these countries,” therefore we receive all the countries of the earth for Christ.
We thank you Father for amendment 91 and Prop.8 to pass protecting the union of marriage as between Man and woman, as god ordained, in Jesus name.
Father we thank you for keeping into law the ban on partial birth abortion. In Jesus Name.
Father, we thank you for removing Judges from the Supreme Court, or any other court in this land, who do not make their judgments according to your word, or the United States Constitution. Father, we thank for the appointment of Judges who will follow your word and the United States Constitution. In Jesus Name.
Father, we pray for the 2009 National & State elections. Father, stir up your children to register and to vote in these elections. We pray that men and women that have their hearts right with you and who will make laws that promote life, liberty, safety, decency, godly, and God-fearing communities would be elected to office. In Jesus name.
We pray against the passage of any legislation, which allows the schools to teach our children about the gay agenda and alternate life styles. We bind this passage according to Math 18:18 in the name of Jesus.
Father, we pray for rain to fall all over the West Coast of the United States in order to replenish our domestic water supply. In the name of Jesus.
I eradicate and eliminate every industry, business institution, tradition, organization, and teaching that is seducing this nation toward sin and death. In the Name of Jesus, I cut off every supply line feeding the kingdom of darkness, and I loose confusion to the enemy’s communication networks worldwide, in the spirit realm and in the earth.
I speak life to this nation, and claim every industry, business, institution, and organization for Kingdom building. I decree that the righteous are in leadership and authority in every governmental body and organization in this nation for the Glory and purposes of God. The Body of Christ has now taken leadership in every industry and governmental body in this nation, in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ.
1. We intercede for those who speak negatively against our ministry or any other ministry. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. We pray for Christian Television and Radio stations throughout the world. We thank you for keeping these channels open for the sake of the Gospel. Satan we bind your power from trying to hinder the Gospel from going forth through the airways, in the name of Jesus
2. INTERCESSORS: Father, we intercede for all intercessory prayer leaders at B.F.M.I., and we thank You that every slot is filled with those You have chosen. We pray for all Intercessory Prayer Ministries, and that You, as the Lord of Hosts will raise up other Intercessors and we call them forth from the North, South, East, and West. Come forth, in the name of Jesus!
3 Father, we pray for all Married Men in the body of Christ. I decree that they are mighty men of valor and a Godly example to their families. Each husband rules well his own house, provides Godly leadership and financial stability for his family. Every husband loves his wife, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Each one nourishes her with the Word, and cherishes her, pleases her and honors her, and his prayers reach the throne of God without hindrance in Jesus name. Thank you that all husbands and wives are fruitful; they multiply, they replenish the earth and they subdue it. They all have a covenant marriage, and successfully overcome every obstacle in life together by faith and the Word of God in Jesus name.
4 Father God, I pray for all Married Women in the body of Christ. I thank you that each one is a virtuous woman, and a crown to her husband. She is his glory and does things to please her husband. Each wife submits to her husband as unto the Lord, and is subject unto him in everything. Her conversation and lifestyle reflect reverence for him, and her chaste conversation draws him closer to God. Every woman possesses a meek and quiet spirit, is a blessing to her husband, and is in the sight of God of great price in Jesus name.
5 Now Lord, I pray for all the Single Men and Women in the body of Christ. I pray that they care for the things of the Lord, how they may please the Lord, being holy both in body and in spirit. That they would attend unto You Lord and serve You daily without distraction, having put off the old man and his lusts. I decree that the world’s values have no control or influence on their desires and lifestyle. They have put on the new man and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. They walk in the light and keep fellowship with the saints of God.
6. Father God, we pray for all the Children and Grandchildren, their spouses and families and future spouses and families, of the saints of God, including (call out yours by name). I thank You that they all grow strong in the spirit, are filled with wisdom, and the Grace of God is upon them. They are all taught of the Lord and great is their peace. They are Godly seed that are mighty upon the earth, trained up in the way they should go, the generation of the upright that are blessed. An excellent spirit is in them, in whom is no blemish, but they are well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge and understanding, and have risen to the top as the greatest leaders on the face of the earth.
7. Father, I pray for the Single Parents in the body of Christ. I pray that your Grace will cover them and enable them to manage their households well. Send Laborers to help them raise their children to fear the Lord, honor their parents, follow Christ and be successful in life. May their sons become Godly men and their daughters become virtuous women. Supply every financial need. Cause the absent parent to fulfill their legal and moral responsibilities to the family. For those single parents who desire to marry, bring them a saved, Spirit Filled, Godly spouse that will love their children as their very own.
8 Father, I pray forever family of the Saints having unsaved family members in the household,...that is experiencing turmoil, violence, infidelity, and any manner of demonic attack. Satan I Bind you, and every spirit assigned to curse that household. Release them now, in the name of Jesus. Father I cover them with the blood of Jesus; I speak “Peace, be still” to every situation. Strengthen and encourage the believer to stay with your Word, for they are sanctifying the household, and you will not let them be ashamed. We believe you for the salvation of every household member. We send angels to rescue every lost family member out of every compromising situation. Send laborers to get the Gospel to them so they may believe, get saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and live for You forever. In Jesus Name.
9 Lord, I lift up the Relatives of Saints who are in bondage to drugs, alcohol, gang participation, homosexuality, gambling, riotous living, and who are incarcerated.
You said where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Let them know that they are beyond your saving grace, for Jesus died for everyone of them, paid their penalty, and you remembered their sins no more. Send laborers to share your love and good news, that the light of the glorious gospel will give spiritual sight to blinded minds. Help them to awake to righteousness, get saved, Spirit filled, and discipled, and keep them from evil. Satan get your hands off God’s property. They belong to God and you can’t have them. We release them from all controlling spirits. Angels help them now! Set them Free! Lord help them not to be overcome of evil ever again, but to overcome evil with good.
10 Father, I pray for every Young Man and Youth in this nation. I cancel every strategy and operation designated to destroy his manhood, his success, his family life, his self-esteem, his reputation, his financial, intellectual, and social advancement; his business success, prosperity, achievements, and his legacy; and every other area targeted to keep him oppressed, controlled, dishonored, dominated, and beneath his potential. Satan, you are bound, and have no authority to enslave him. The Son has made him free, and he is free indeed. Get out of his affairs in Jesus name. Angel, go bring to him everything that was given to him before the foundations of the world. Father, cause our Black men and youth to be transformed by the renewing of their minds, that they may be saved and Spirit-Filled, see their status in Christ, and never again settle for anything less that their inheritance provides, in Jesus Name.
11. Prayer for Restoration to Wholeness: Heavenly Father, I pray for the Saints who have experienced a painful past. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and I apply the healing power of God’s Word to heal every wound, for God sent his Word and healed them, and delivered them from destruction. I pray forgiveness, healing, and deliverance for those who have taken part in abortions, sexual promiscuity, acts of violence and hatred towards others and any type of criminal and abusive behavior. I pray for healing for those who have been sexually assaulted or abused; healing for the divorced, separated, widowed, and abandoned; healing for those who lost a loved one through natural causes, sickness, accident or violence; healing for those who feel they have failed in school, on the job, as a parent, husband or wife, or in any area of life; healing for those who have experienced rejection, pain and sorrow; and healing for those who have allowed bitterness and unforgiveness to take root in their hearts. Father wash away their painful past with the precious blood of Jesus. Satan I bind you’re spirit that has consumed their minds with themselves and their situations. I cut off all negative assaults on their thoughts. I break all mind control bondages and release them from y the yoke of sin and remove the heavy burden of and condemnation from their lives. Release them now in Jesus name.
I decree by faith that the Grace of God is now ministering to every person covered by this prayer. Father send laborers across their path; confirm to them that you have heard their cries, and now is their time of deliverance and restoration. Help them to receive your love, your healing touch, and to trust you to make them whole again. We decree that they are made whole now in Jesus Name Amen.